️BONUS: when you pay in full, you will receive 

a 1:1 Personalized Coaching Call with Kelly

You are purchasing: 

The Parent Academy$0

Contact information


Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($1499.00)$1499.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (4x $385.00)4x $385.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • Can you tell me more information about the LIVE trainings?
    The backbone and secret weapon of the Academy!

    These live trainings happen throughout the month. I walk you step by step through daily "life" and teach you how to establish routines, organization, communication, and practical techniques for supporting your teen best.
  • Can you tell me more about the GROUP Coaching?
    Got questions along the way? We meet throughout the month and get A's to your Q's! The Q&A's are quick power sessions where I answer your questions, and you learn from others within our community!

    The calls are via Zoom for over 12 weeks but don’t sweat it if you can’t make it. You can always submit your question ahead of time and catch the recording later!
  • What software or tools will I need to be a part of this program?
    This is a great question!

    For our Group Coaching Calls & LIVE Trainings, we will meet on Zoom (so a secure internet connection + a computer)

    If you dig into the mini-courses in between our Group Coaching Calls & LIVE Trainings, you will watch those mini-courses via Thrivecart Learn (which you will get immediate access to upon purchase of the group program). You will need to create a unique username/password and you can login and watch these bonuses at your convenience!

    I highly recommend you dig into all the bonuses in this group program because these will help you in such powerful ways! Again, you will have immediate access to these mini-courses immediately upon purchase!
  • Is this a LIVE or a Recorded Program?
    It’s both! Inside The Parent Academy, you will have instant access to lots of products and courses for both yourself and your teen. But true learning doesn’t take place in a vacuum. The Zoom calls are where the implementation and "A-ha's" happen!

    I show up on Zoom throughout the month for living trainings and Q&A group coaching calls.

    (Think of these like mini-coaching sessions where you get your questions answered!)
  • When are the LIVE Group/Training Calls?
    While it is hard to meet everyone’s schedule, Live Trainings and Group Coaching will take place late afternoon on Sundays EST. All live calls are recorded!
  • What happens once I enroll?
    As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive a welcome email with login information to create your username and password to access The Parent Academy. Then, everything is yours, and you can get started right away!

    You’ll be invited to join the Zoom calls where you'll meet with me for support and coaching in a group setting.
  • How long is the program?
    The Zoom Trainings and Group Coaching last 4 months. You have lifetime access to The Parent Academy and all its resources!

  • Is there a refund policy?
    Absolutely! The Parent Academy comes with a 7-day 100% money-back guarantee, which means you can join risk-free, take a look around, and get a full refund if the space isn’t for you.

    That being said, puh-lease don’t be that person who joins, downloads the stuff, and asks for their money back. I've poured my heart into this program specifically for families who are ready to be poured into! And, I’ve yet to see that strategy work. Plus, it’s bad karma, ok?

The Parent Academy$0

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Parent Academy$0

All prices in USD

What's Included:

  • LIVE Training with Kelly (Valued at $1499)
  • Group Coaching (Valued at $1499)
  • Access to the following mini-courses:
  • ADHD 101 ($799) (mini-course)
  • Executive Function High School Webinars ($799)
  • Study Skills Webinars ($799)
  • Homework Hero Course ($299)
  • Motivation Mini Course ($159)

Access Details:

As soon as you enroll, you’ll receive a welcome email with your username and password to access The Parent Academy. Then, everything is yours, and you can get started right away! 

You’ll also be invited to our Live Training and Group Calls, where you’ll meet me and hang out with fellow parents who will welcome you into the community!

Payment Details:

  • Two payment options (pay in full or 4-month Split pay) 
  • All pricing is in USD
  • Payment will be charged to your credit card or Paypal account automatically, and you'll be emailed a receipt from Stripe or Paypal
